Category Archives: Mario Testino

Michelle Williams Humps Vogue

Mammoth and Shutter Island actress Michelle Williams channels a retro-look and poses for pixer Mario Testino as the cover subject of Vogue October issue. Williams doesn’t seem to mince words in her interview @

Mario Testino

Mammoth opens in theaters on Friday, November 20. In the film, New York businessman – Tom – leaves his wife and daughter under the care of a Filipino nanny to go on a business trip to Thailand. As he submerges into a new cultural experience Tom soon realizes he wants to change his life, setting off a chain of dramatic events.

Martin Scorsese’s Shutter Island hits theaters on February 19, 2010.

Michelle Ingrid Williams is repped by Carol Goll @ International Creative Management and Hylda Queally @ Creative Artists Agency (CAA), attorney Ken Richman @ Hansen, Jacobson, Teller, Hoberman, Newman, Warren & Richman, LLP and publicist Mara Buxbaum @ I/D Public Relations.

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Channing Tatum Humps GQ

G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra star Channing Tatum graces the cover and pages of GQ August 2009 issue, and discusses his love – Jenna Dewan – and uprising in Hollywood. In G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, the elite G.I. Joe team uses the latest in next-generation spy and military equipment to fight the corrupt arms dealer Destro and the growing threat of the mysterious Cobra organization to prevent them from plunging the world into chaos. I’ve included some blog snippets below –

On how Tatum fell into Tinsletown: I got crazy lucky. Like, sometimes I think I won the lottery or something. At times it feels like the bottom’s gonna fall out. Just ’cause I don’t really know how I got here. But I just keep moving forward, and it just keeps getting better and better.

On his films: Step Up and Coach Carter: [They’re called] tweeners – you know, those midlevel-budget movies that just kinda do good.

On summer blockbuster G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra: This is, like, my first step out into the whole commercial realm. I hope it does okay.

On red-state Alabama’s electoral voting of John McCain and not President Barack Obama: I don’t care. If they don’t like me because I voted for Obama, then f*** them. I like horses and I like Obama. Nothin’ wrong with hat.

To read GQ writer Lisa DePaulo’s article appropriately titled Channing Tatum Won The Lottery, visit G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra hits theaters on Friday, August 7.

Mario Testino

Channing Tatum is repped by Louise Ward @ United Talent Agency (UTA), attorneys Douglas R. Stone and Rick Genow @ Stone, Meyer, Genow, Smelkinson and Binder – LLP, manager William Choi @ Management 360 and publicist Evelyn Karamanos @ WKT Public Relations.
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Jessica Simpson Humps Vanity Fair

The Big “T” songbird Jessica Simpson photographed by Mario Testino graces the cover and pages of June 2009 issue of Vanity Fair, which hits newsstands in New York and Los Angles on May 6 and nationally May 12. And here are some candid excerpts from the lovely Ms. Simpson:

Dallas Cowboy footballer Romo on having Jessica Simpson’s support: You know, it’s very hard when you lose, because games are important, and so many people put so much time and effort in. It’s nice to have someone to come home to and try and make you feel better… We’re very similar in that we both appreciate the hometown feel to a lot of things, and live our life like that. She comes to a ton of games. She’s a supportive girlfriend.

On ignoring the hurtful media: When it comes to media criticism, that’s just something I have had to train myself—literally train myself—to ignore…. I mean, the way people make it sound, I should have never been singing in the first place…. It comes with what I do, and I know that every day the media’s going to challenge me, is going to want to bring me down. But I feel like I’m at such a place that I own myself, and it’s authentic. I own that authentic part of myself, and none of those words are harsh enough to make me believe them…. I can’t imagine saying some of the things people have said about me about anybody else.

On her co-star Nick Lachey and the affects of Newlyweds on their marriage: I have not spoken to him in years. [As for the show,] in all honesty, I believe it did not affect our marriage. Because we enjoyed watching those episodes, and that will always be a time I cherish. It made me understand what marriage is, what love is, what commitment is.

Mario Testino

On her un-wavering faith: I’m spiritual. I live off the faith that has been instilled in me, that has never left. I’ve never let a stumbling block actually make me fall…. We all go through trials, but not one thing has ever made me question God. I have a great relationship with God. I can talk to him, get mad at him, frustrated with him. But, ultimately, my faith is what defines me.

To read the full The Jessica Question article, visit
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Blake Lively Humps Vogue

Blake Lively graces the coveted cover and pages of fashionista magazine – Vogue, to promote her hit show – Gossip Girl and her upcoming Brad Pitt’s Plan B produced film – The Private Lives of Pippa Lee. The film is based on author Rebecca Miller’s novel and it’s about a dutiful housewife, Pippa Lee (Robin Wright Penn), exploring her buried sensuality after her husband falls for a younger woman. The Private Lives of Pippa Lee is directed by Rebecca Miller.

Here’s an excerpt from Lively’s Vogue interview:

On reflecting America’s recession difficulties on Gossip Girl: We live in an alternate universe on the show; it’s a heightened reality, so I don’t think the writers would work that in. They created a show that people can watch after a long day and not have to stress and worry and feel the burdens of real life. It’s just an escape, watching these sparkly lives and just escaping into this other world for an hour

Mario Testino

Blake Lively is repped by Josh Lieberman @ Creative Artists Agency (CAA), managed by Justin Grey Stone and Jason Weinberg @ Untitled Entertainment, attorney Jeff Bernstein @ Jackoway Tyerman Wertheimer Austen Mandelbaum Morris & Klein, and publicist Ruth Bernstein and Leslie Sloane Zelnik @ Baker/Winokur/Ryder.


Claudia Schiffer Humps Vogue

Mario Testino shoots Claudia Schiffer in his titillating Sex editorial of Deutsche Vogue for German publication.

To read the full article and pix, visit Deutsche Vogue.

Ashton Kutcher Humps VMan

Pop Fiction Executive Producer Ashton Kutcher graces the cover and pages of VMan Spring/Summer 2008 issue, to collobrate with Photog Mario Testino on a robotic spread.

On the concept for the photoshoot: I had a vision one day. I was watching one of those Gatorade commercials where they had a guy on a treadmill, and they’re testing to see what his physical abilities are. I had this idea: what did the creator—God or whatever—make you for? Maybe we’re all doing exactly what we’re supposed to be doing, and we’re all actually robots.

On getting around before settling down: I had a serial-dating period. I was pretty abusive of my attributes for a while…My fame and my looks. I was pretty abusive to a lot of people. This movie [Spread] is kind of my way to say I’m sorry to a lot of girls I may have hurt by being disrespectful.

On his love scenes with Michelle Pfeiffer: I don’t think I’ve ever romanced an older woman. I’ve romanced a woman…If I had stepped back as myself and said, ‘You’re going to work today to make love to Michelle Pfeiffer,’ that would freak me the f*ck out. I would have been like, ‘Holy sh*t!’ I would have had a really awkward time doing that. So I just approached it from within the character’s world—just one character seeking comfort from another character, a compartmentalized existence that wasn’t my own.

On living the sweet life: My life is so far from domesticated. That is not a good definition of me at all. Demi and I play around the world, and that is awesome. I was just on the phone with my agent and he said to me, ‘I don’t know many people who have it as good as you have it.’ And I don’t know anyone who has it as good as I have it. I have a great spiritual foundation, an amazing career, a loving, supportive wife and family, I have a lot of friends, and I don’t have any enemies. I don’t know a lot of people who have what I have.

Mario Testino

Kate Bosworth Humps Vogue

Photographer Mario Testino shoots Kate Bosworth for the cover and pages of Vogue. She discusses her personal life and promotes her new film 21, about a group of MIT students who beat the house by playing blackjack in Las Vegas.

On losing 12 pounds from stress: Whenever anything happens that’s very painful or stressful, we all lose weight — my mother, my aunt, my grandmother. … I honestly thought something was wrong with me. … I was concerned for my health and my fans, the public. I would have said, don’t look at this as the standard of some kind of beauty and health. [It was] a very dark time in my life.

Mario Testino

Kanye West & Courtney Love @ Givenchy

Kanye West, Courtney Love and photographer Mario Testino attend Givenchy Spring/Summer 2008 ready-to-wear collection fashion show at Carreau du Temple in Paris, France.

Eric Ryan/Getty Images